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Array AVX Series Networks Functions Platform Selected by Tier-1 Global Service Provider as Foundation for WAF-as-a-Service

September 18, 2018 By BlueAlly

Array Networks

AVX Series runs virtual networking and security virtual appliances to deliver high-performance managed service for thousands of websites around the world Milpitas, Calif. – Sept. 18, 2018 – Array Networks Inc., the network functions platform company, today announced that its groundbreaking AVX Series Network Functions Platforms have been selected by a one of the world’s largest telecommunications service providers to serve as the basis for a new Web Application Firewall managed service. This global, Tier-1 service provider operates multiple International Data Centers (IDCs) and hosts thousands of websites for multiple organizations across a broad range of industries, including government, finance, manufacturing, online gaming, and e-commerce. When these customers demanded a managed service offering that could protect their respective web sites, the service provider’s IDC teams created a solution based on the AVX Network Functions Platforms running Array’s virtual Application Delivery Controller (ADC) and WebRAY’s RayWAF virtual Web Application Firewall (WAF). An overview of the deployment can be read in the case study available from Array’s website here: “Service providers of all sizes are struggling with the need to differentiate service offerings in order to stand out in a highly competitive market, while at the same time holding the line on costs and maintaining SLAs,” said Paul Andersen, Array’s vice president of sales and marketing. “The AVX Series provides the best of both worlds – the agility and low cost of virtual appliances coupled with the guaranteed performance of dedicated appliances – allowing service providers to quickly create robust, targeted service offerings that can begin generating revenues and ROI in weeks, not months.” The AVX series of network functions platforms are hyperconverged appliances that are designed specifically to run networking and security Virtual Appliances (VAs) while addressing the most difficult challenges of network services virtualization that face managed service providers (MSPs) of all sizes. The hybrid architecture of Array AVX platforms is unique in the industry and provides significant service differentiation. AVX platforms (a) provide the software-centric agility of a COTS server while retaining the guaranteed hardware performance of a network appliance, (b) abstract and automate complex VA provisioning tasks to reduce deployment time from months to minutes, (c) provide a vendor-neutral platform that supports Array VAs, third-party VAs and OpenSource VAs at scale, and (d) drive down the cost of HW and SW, as well as space, power, cooling and provisioning. In the case of this service provider’s managed service, the AVX platforms run the networking and security VAs that serve as the basis for the WAF-as-a-Service. Rather than deploying multiple 1RU dedicated WAF and ADC appliances, each 2U AVX appliance supports multiple WebRAY virtual WAFs and virtual ADCs from Array. Each AVX high-availability pair protects ten or more websites, each with its own separate ADC and WAF resources. In addition to operational savings on managing a plethora of discrete appliances, the service provider is saving on rack space, as well as power, cooling and cabling costs. “Even for a major managed service that we offer to literally thousands of customers, deploying this service was simplicity itself,” said an IDC team member for the global Tier-1 service provider. “All we had to do was to install the AVX in the rack, connect power and Ethernet, configure the system through the WebUI then wait to see the WAF report.”