Array Networks Products & Solutions
Next-Gen Technology, Unmatched Price & Performance
Application Delivery Controllers

Array ADCs provide high availability, performance and scalability for optimizing application and server performance. Simple yet scalable, powerful yet cost-effective. Available as physical and virtual appliances.
SSL VPN Secure Access Gateways

Array SSL VPNs are a new breed of remote and mobile access solutions that centralize control over access to applications, desktops, files, networks and web sites. Enhance business productivity with physical or virtual Array SSL VPN appliances.
AVX Appliances

AVX Series network functions platforms host multiple Array and 3rd-party virtual appliances, providing the agility of cloud and virtualization with the guaranteed performance of dedicated appliances.
Array Management Platform

AMP offers a centralized user interface for IT to monitor, manage, configure and update physical and virtual Array ADCs and SSL VPNs, with at-a-glance visualization of trends, user behaviors and performance issues.
Monitoring and Reporting System

MARS transforms data from Array application delivery controllers into actionable intelligence that helps IT improve application availability, performance and security. In addition, MARS provides insights into application traffic and end-user activity that can inform and optimize business decisions.